Turning Your Ideas Into Cash-From Your Brain to the Bank-Full Course
This is it..take your ideas from your brain to the bank. Learn what others may not share with you. You will have access to contacts and resources to help you get started right away.
Turning Your Ideas Into Cash-Training System
Taking Control of Your Own Destiny
A portion of sales and proceeds will go to help benefit those in need.
Special 2 Month Power Webinar Course
Value $4,750.00
NOW $97.00 Entire Online Course
(Immediate access to the ENTIRE course & content upon one time purchase)
This Webinar Re-Play is for serious people READY to move forward NOW to make a difference to jump start their Idea & Vision.
Here is what you will experience inside the system
Module One
How To Develop Your Idea
What Makes Your Idea Different
The Impact Your Idea will Have
Researching Your Idea
Identify Your Niche
Marinate Your Idea
Perfecting Your Idea
Registering Your Idea
The Post Office Copyright
Copyright Office
US Patent Office vs Trademarks
Payment Gateways
How to Outsource Your Work
Test Drive Your Idea
Funding Your Idea
The Money You Already Have
Magic of Compounding
How to Generate 1 Million Dollars Starting with $2
How to create your prototype for funding.
How to get government grants
Self Fund Raising
How to Create Product While You Are Talking
Module Two
Non-Online Items to Create
Manufacturing Your Product
Letter of Intent for Funding
Reproduction of Your Product
Getting Your Product Into The Stores
Point of Purchase
Meeting The Demand
Marketing Research
Writing Your Book
Jack Canfield Methods
Online Skype Coaching
Marketing & Traffic
Word of Mouth Marketing
Advertise Your Product
How to Buy Local Cable Ads
Marketing Promo Gadgets
Test Drive Your Product
Return On Your Investment
Bonus Module
Sample Grant Request Letters & Forms
Listing of over 2.3 Million Dollars of Grant Contact Resources
Credit Repair with Michelle Thimbrel
Jump Start Your Life with Life Coach Olga Lopez
eBooks In The System
Full Audio 7 CD Series (Included in this system)
Your Personal Ideas to Cash Kit Elements
Bonus Vacation Getaways
Special Note: Some website links have expired and have not been updated.